Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Upcoming projects.

So, currently, I'm working on my 40 and 1/3 landscape project. It's hard to find quality time to spend taking photos with my busy schedule. But anyways, here are some projects I want want to do next.

Shape and Line (a texture study):
I want to do a project where I go around and photograph different textures. The photo will contain  only texture, not really any subject matter. This is so in the future I will have textures to combine with other photographs. It is also to study shapes and lines. This is the only time I'm going to dedicate a whole project to textures, and it should be a fairly quick project. (24 or more photos)

Throughout other projects when I see textures I will photograph them even if they don't relate to the project.

Upon reflection (self portraits):
So for this project the idea is to go around and find any object the reflects. I'll be taking a picture of myself in the reflection. This could be anything from a mirror, to glass, to a teapot. Anything I can find a reflection in I will take a picture of. (24 or more photos)

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